Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) – LifeSTech
Life Supporting Technologies, a research, development, and innovation group

Life Supporting Technologies (LifeSTech) is a research, development and innovation group, part of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), the largest Spanish technological university specialised in all engineering fields and architecture.

UPM is an institution committed to the transfer of knowledge generated through its research structures to society, and its transformation into advances and technological developments for the productive sector. Life Supporting Technologies (LifeSTech)—part of UPM—engages in activities devoted to the design, development and evaluation of ICT-based services and applications, to create and promote of new ideas, methods, and technological solutions throughout the whole value chain of e-Health, Active and Healthy Ageing and e-Inclusion.
Our tasks
in the project
UPM will co-lead the section of the Project dedicated to the development of the Federated open-source technology platform, and the integration of common services (FOSPS). In particular, we will lead content transformation and accessibility of end-user apps and be active in testing scenarios with creation of personas, mock-ups and iterative end-user testing of the G-lens approach.

Our contribution to the project

1Consultancy, design, development, and evaluation of ICT applied to health in areas like pharmacological treatment and drugs interaction, personalised and predictive medicine for several medical fields.

2Strong experience as coordinator, technical/quality manager, and participant in more than 150 National and EU R&D funded projects.

3Activity as a member of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, and as partner of the EIT Health initiative.

Part of projects such as: ACTIVAGE, GATEKEEPER, and PharmaLedger.
Address: 30, Complutense Av., 28040 Madrid, Spain
e-mail: chiqui@lst.tfo.upm.es