Aleš Bourek, M.D., Ph.D. works as CEO of the Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine (Brno, Czech Republic) Center for Healthcare Quality. He served as a member of the Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in health (EXPH), an advisory panel of the European Commission, and as the deputy director of National Institute of Public Health. In his research he addresses health systems, healthcare quality and he explores computer linguistics for medical information management. For 33 years, he mentors students at the Masaryk University and abroad in information handling, decision-making, communication skills and attitudes for professional healthcare needs. He is an active gynaecologist and the head of L’ART Center for Assisted Reproduction ( Previously, he worked for many international organizations, such as the Council of Europe, WHO and the World Bank on quality and accountability improvement in healthcare and healthcare education. He was President of the European Society for Quality in Healthcare and is a board member of the Central and Eastern European Society of Technology Assessment in Healthcare and the European Health Futures Forum. He enjoys outdoor life and interaction with various communities all over the world.
The main reason for participating in UAG group to the Gravitate Health project is my firm belief in necessary change of health systems that will lead to the provision of Patient-centred, Proactive, Predictive, Prospective, Preventive, Participative and Personalized health care services.