Our mission is to enable patient-centric healthcare through human-centered design and ICT solutions.

Datawizard Srl is a mission-focused SME that enriches pharmaceutical data
and provides digital health services to EU citizens.

We develop mobile and web digital health applications covering the entire production stack, are known for our strength in UX design and often serve as system integrators and patient-facing app developers in large public health projects. We manage big data using a hybrid technology approach with Semantic Search Engine, NLP, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval and Ontology-based techniques, and we offer strategic consulting on business modelling in digital health by drawing on a strong network of research institutes, universities and end-users in the EU. As a provider of digital health services related to medicine with primary end-users being EU citizens, we interface daily with many levels of the Pharma supply chain and all major stakeholders in the healthcare landscape.
Our tasks
in the project
Datawizard will co-lead the work package (WP4) on implementation of the Digital Solution in end-user applications and prototypes, UX design, transformation of educational health content, RWD, and tools for adherence and education. Activities include UX and UI design, connecting trusted sources for the platform’s knowledge base, front-end software development and engaging stakeholders for endorsement of the solution. More specifically, DW will lead Service Design of the functional model solution, how to meet stakeholders needs, developing user personas and user journeys.

Our contribution to the project

1Expertise from having developed Pharmawizard – a patient health empowerment app for managing daily health through user-friendly services, which also includes a tool for managing data in remote, home-health monitoring.

2System integration for collection and analysis of large amounts of user data. Project operations, UX and front-end development.

We have developed a wide range of patient-facing digital services aimed at empowering our user base with tailored health information with a practical impact on their everyday life. The focus of our services and platforms is on innovation, UX design and usability.
Address: Via Salaria 719 – 00138, Rome, Italy