HL7 is a not-for-profit standard developing organisation, founding member of the Joint Initiative Council for Global Health Informatics Standardization with members in 50+ countries. HL7 Affiliated organisations support the activities of HL7 in 20 European (38 world-wide) countries serving as multi-stakeholder platforms. Each affiliated organisation is a multi-stakeholder ecosystem founded by a mixture of industry, government agencies, academic institutions and practitioners of interoperability.
The objectives of HL7 in collaboration with its European Affiliates are: to promote and encourage the use of HL7 frameworks and protocol specifications that serve the needs of the European community by health systems and service providers; to provide education services, promote tools and facilitate testing and certification; and to enable high quality, cost-effective use of information systems in the widest variety of health and healthcare related environments.
The HL7 Foundation has been actively involved or coordinated a range of EU funded actions in interoperability. HL7 International provides a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery, and evaluation of health services.
HL7 Europe will contribute across WPs in standardisation aspects serving as the lead for interoperability in the Steering Committee and co-lead for the relevant work package (WP5). HL7 supports the refinement of HL7 Standards and implementation guides to support testing and validation of the G-Lens concept as well the ePI standard in the Gravitate Health platform and the proof-of-concept scenarios. Furthermore, this will be included in the White Paper with recommendations for the future of ePIs to better understand risk minimisation and potential to simplify practices to create and update ePIs.
Our contribution to the project
1expertise in the development and adoption of the International Patient Summary and large-scale implementation of standards;
2use of HL7 FHIR® in living environments, in identification of medicinal products, and in mobile health policies;
3added value through HL7’s participation in the eHealth Stakeholders Group, EFMI and ESC.